15.11 – Brad Sherwood 6

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Brad Sherwood, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS– The scene is passions erupt in a horror movie.

PROPS – Colin and Wayne vs. Ryan and Brad.

DOO WOP – Wayne, Ryan, and Colin sing about Caroline who died tragically in a fruit-related accident.

SOUND EFFECTS – Ryan and Colin are two Jedi knights checking their equipment before they’re ordered into battle against the forces of the Empire. Shawna and Marlene from the audience provide the sound effects.

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include first lines of the world’s worst national anthem, unlikely lines from Star Trek, and things you’d never order off the menu.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of the water park sung by Brad and Wayne, including “Mouth to Mouth in the Wading Pool” (Stevie Wonder and Willie Nelson) and “Yellow Water” (Gilbert and Sullivan).

CREDITS – Wayne reads the credits as a fox stalking chickens: Colin, Brad, and Ryan.

Taped: January 16, 2016      Sister Shows: 12.1212.1613.7

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