21.7 – Greg Proops 10

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Greg Proops, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS – The scene is passions erupt at a billionaire’s wedding.

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include if Sesame Street dealt with adult problems, and things you should never brag about.

WHOSE LINE – The scene is Samson (Colin) has woken up to discover his lover Delilah (Ryan) has cut off his hair.

FILM DUB – All four dub the scene “one day in a restaurant”.

GREATEST HITS – Greg and Colin introduce songs of the exterminator sung by Wayne and Ryan, including “Snake Up My Pant Leg” (Simon and Garfunkel) and “Spider Nest in Your Hair” (Lil Wayne and John Wayne).

CREDITS – All four read the credits taking turns to bitch about the others into the camera.

Taped: January 26, 2023      Sister Shows: 21.3, 21.10

21.4 – Maile Brady

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Jeff Davis, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying, and special guest Maile Brady.

PRESS CONFERENCE – Colin is announcing that he’s slept with all of the Muppets with Ryan, Jeff and Wayne as reporters.

DUET – Wayne sings to Maile Brady in the style of R&B.

MIXED MESSAGES – Colin is the captain of a space ship that is getting sucked into a black hole and summons his crewmen Wayne and Jeff to figure out what to do. Wayne and Jeff can only speak using text messages from Charlie and Tatum’s phones from the audience.

PROPS – Wayne, Colin and Maile vs. Ryan and Jeff.

FILM DUB – All four dub the film An Evening Gone Wrong.

DUBBING – Influencers Wayne and Maile are trying to perfect a song and dance routine for TikTok. Colin is the rival TikTok-er challenging them to a dance off. Ryan provides the voice for Maile.

CREDITS – Wayne reads the credits with Maile as choreographers trying teach some moves to the world’s least sexy dancers, Ryan, Colin and Jeff.

Taped: January 21, 2023      Sister Shows: 21.5, 21.12

18.6 – Greg Proops 8

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Greg Proops, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

HOLLYWOOD DIRECTOR – Ryan is a fast food joint employee and is held up by panicky criminal Greg when Wayne enters as a husband and wife crime fighting duo who burst in to save the day. Colin directs them in the styles of Jackass stunts, and slow and then fast.

FILM DUB – All four dub the scene “an annual meeting.”

DOO WOP – Wayne, Ryan and Colin sing about Paula who died tragically in a laundry accident.

INFOMERCIAL – Ryan and Colin are selling a kit to make themselves more attractive to a partner.

WORLD’S WORST – All four come up with examples of the world’s worst horror movie clips.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of New York City sung by Wayne, including “The Ball is Dropping” (Ozzy Osbourne) and “Where’s the Snow?” (Kabuki).

CREDITS – Greg reads the credits as calling a horse race with the others as jockeys.

Sister Shows: 11.5, 11.17, 14.14

17.10 – Gary Anthony Williams 8

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Gary Anthony Williams, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS – The scene is passions erupt at a luxury hotel.

SOUND EFFECTS – Ryan and Colin are two zookeepers who have to transport a truckload of zoo animals across the country when they run into trouble. Christine and Sydney from the audience provide the sound effects.

FILM DUB – All four dub the scene “One Day on the Beach.”

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include things you can say about a building that you can’t say about your partner, weird things for a cop to say while they’re frisking you, and what Aisha does when she’s in her dressing room.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of the lifeguard sung by Wayne and Gary, including “My Trunks are Riding Up” (Les Miserables), “Rip Tide” (line dancing), and “Great White” (ska).

CREDITS – All four read the credits as if they are on first dates with audience members.

Taped: April 9, 2016      Sister Shows: 12.18, 13.4, 17.2

17.9 – Jeff Davis 14

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Jeff Davis, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS – The scene is passions erupt in a department store.

FILM DUB – All four dub the film “making plans for the evening.”

IRISH DRINKING SONG – All four sing the bar Irish drinking song.

SOUND EFFECTS – Ryan and Colin are testing weapons at an arms factory when they’re suddenly attacked by a gang of international criminals. Ally and Cheyenne from the audience provide the sound effects.

PARTY QUIRKS – Jeff is hosting a party, Wayne is a “Fast and the Furious” movie in 30 seconds, Colin is every character is cheesy soap opera about Jeff’s life, and Ryan is a series of increasingly old streakers.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of the zookeeper sung by Wayne and Jeff, including “Look What the Monkeys are Doing” (Johnny Cash and Shakira) and “Escape” (Bluegrass).

CREDITS – Colin reads the credits as a TSA agent inspecting people trying to smuggle increasingly bizarre things through security.

Note: This is the fifth episode from this taping, the second of only two times this has occurred.

Sister Shows: 11.13, 12.3, 12.1016.17

17.4 – Greg Proops 7

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Greg Proops, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS – The scene is passions erupt at an office Christmas party.

FILM DUB – All four dub the film “arguing over dinner.”

SCENE TO MUSIC – Ryan and Colin are two teens shoplifting in a supermarket when store detective Wayne catches them red-handed.

SOUND EFFECTS – Ryan and Colin are Marines whose motorboat runs aground on a mysterious island full of weird and dangerous animals. Craig and Meera from the audience provide the sound effects.

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include what the cast of Sesame Street does when the camera stops rolling, if celebrities were doctors, inept criminals, and catch phrases that will never catch on.

GREATEST HITS – Greg and Colin introduce songs of the safari sung by Wayne, including “Africa Hot” (Rhythm and Booze) and “Pith Helmet and Khakis” (Elvis).

CREDITS – All four read the credits as horror movie monsters attacking the camera.

Taped: February 18, 2017      Sister Shows: 14.1, 14.6, 14.17

16.18 – Charles Esten 4

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

HOLLYWOOD DIRECTOR – Ryan and Chip are two trigger-happy FBI agents investigating a crashed space craft when they disturb an alien couple, both played by Wayne. Colin directs then in the styles of Spanish game show, 70s porn, and rock opera.

DOO WOP – Wayne, Chip, and Colin sing about Emily who died tragically in a zoo related accident.

FILM DUB – All four dub the scene a boat trip gone wrong.

HOEDOWN – All four sing the roommate hoedown.

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include unlikely congratulations cards, unlikely things to read on food packaging, and unlikely lingerie commercials.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of the plastic surgeon sung by Wayne and Chip including “Don’t Give Me No Liposuction” (Country) and “What To Do With an Extra Nipple” (Russian folk song).

CREDITS – All four read the credits as faith healers healing the camera.

Taped: February 17, 2019      Sister Shows: 15.4, 16.4, 16.10

16.15 – Brad Sherwood 4

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Brad Sherwood, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS – The scene is passions erupt at a wedding.

FILM DUB – All four improvise the scene “One Day at a Spa”.

PROPS – Ryan and Brad vs. Colin and Wayne.

SOUND EFFECTS – Ryan and Colin are two cops partroling a zoo when they get orders to come downtown to combat a zombie invasion. Katie and Julia from the audience provide the sound effects.

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include world’s worst Tinder introductions, unlikely names for candy bars, bad times to get caught fooling around with someone, and if Vegas magicians did regular jobs.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of backpacking sung by Brad and Wayne, include “Killer on the Loose” (rap) and “Scraping Bark Off a Tree” (opera).

CREDITS – Brad and Wayne read the credits as nature show hosts in the Amazon stumbling across a new species, Ryan and Colin.

Taped: February 19, 2017      Sister Shows: 13.15, 14.12

16.8 – Jonathan Mangum 6

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Jonathan Mangum, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying.

LET’S MAKE A DATE – Jonathan is on a dating show. Wayne is a Japanese teen pop sensation looking for people to help launch the next big dance crazy. Colin is a drowning man using other people’s body parts to keep himself afloat. Ryan is acting out the fantasies of Colin Mochrie.

FILM DUB – Wayne, Ryan, and Colin dub the scene “tensions rise on the beach.”

IRISH DRINKING SONG – All four sing the went on a date and had no money Irish drinking song.

SECRET – Ryan is Adam and Colin is Eve. The secret is a ventriloquist dummy.

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include things that you can say about a city that you can’t say about a partner, things you don’t want to hear from the person you’re sharing a bed with, and unlikely lines from country and western songs.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of the big box supermarket sung by Wayne and Jonathan, including “Twelve Items or Less” (scat) and “Don’t Cut the Line, Bitch” (Irish rock).

CREDITS – Colin and Wayne read the credits while having a picnic when suddenly they’re attacked by giant mosquitoes, Ryan and Jonathan.

Taped: April 19, 2016     Sister Shows: 12.15, 12.17, 12.19

16.6 – Candice Patton 2

Host Aisha Tyler with Wayne Brady, Jeff Davis, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Laura Hall and Linda Taylor accompanying, and special guest Candice Patton.

QUESTIONS WITH HATS – The scene is passions erupt at a gas station.

SOUND EFFECTS – Ryan and Colin are two cops testing out different weapons at a gun range. They get a call to deal with trouble at a biker rally. Courtney and Nancy from the audience provide the sound effects.

DUET – Wayne and Jeff sing to Candice Patton in the style of hip hop.

FILM DUB – All four improvise the scene “arguing about dinner plans.”

SCENES FROM A HAT – Scenes include if farmers only spoke in innuendos, bad ways to break up with your partner, if popular TV shows were performed by dogs, and terrible ways to lighten the mood.

GREATEST HITS – Ryan and Colin introduce songs of jail sung by Wayne and Jeff, including “License Plates and Cigarettes” (techno) and “Conjugal Visit” (early jazz).

CREDITS – All four read the credits as Colin who is an evil villain who has captured Candice with the others as superheroes trying to rescue her.

Taped: January 23, 2016     Sister Shows: 12.8, 13.3, 19.5